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杜 传 国
(山东电力建设第一工程公司 济南 250100)
摘 要:DL/T821-2002是电力行业专用的射线检测标准,JB/T4730.2-2005是承压类特种设备行业推荐通用的射线检测标准。通过对两个标准射线检测技术部分相关内容有针对性的对照和比较,对存在的差异和有可能对检测结果造成的影响进行分析,进一步加深对相关条款的认识和理解,为做好射线检测技术管理工作起到指导作用。
001Comparison and Analysis between DL/T821-2002 and JB/T 4730.2-2005 in terms of Radiographic Testing Technology
Du Chuan-Guo
(Shandong electric power construction N0.1 companyJinan 250100China)
AbstractDL/T821-2002 is a standard of radiographic testing specialized in electric power industry and JB/T4730.2-2005 is the general standard of radiographic testing recommended by pressure-bearing special equipment industry. This paper, through a purposeful contrast and comparison of the relevant technology content in these two standards of radiographic testing, analyzes the existing difference between them and the potential influences on testing results, offers us a better understanding of relevant clauses and a guiding function to the effective management of radiographic technology.
KeywordsTwo standards; radiographic testing technology; relevant clauses; comparison and analysis
杜 传 国
(山东电力建设第一工程公司 山东 济南 250100)
摘 要:射线检测需要经常计算各类检测实用参数,因部分实用参数计算公式复杂、输入变量较多,存在手工计算工作量大、计算结果出错率高等问题。Excel是目前应用最广泛的微机数据处理软件,它具有强大的处理和分析数据、制作表格、创建图表等功能,利用EXCEL中的公式、函数和智能重算等功能,对实用参数的计算过程进行设计和优化,形成的计算表格具有输入方便、计算快速、结果准确等特点,能极大的提高检测人员的工作效率和管理能力。
002The application of Excel software in practical parameters calculation in radiographic testing
Du Chuan-Guo
(Shandong Electric Power Construction N0.1 Company,Jinan 250100,China)
Abstract: various kinds of practical parameters are often calculated during radiographic testing; however, since computational formulas of some practical parameters are complicated with so many input variables, the manual calculation workload is heavy and it’s liable to make mistakes. Excel is the most widely-used computer software in data processing, and it enjoys advantages in many fields, such as processing and analyzing data, making electronic forms and graphs and so on. By using its functions of formula, function, intelligence recalculation, etc., the computational process of practical parameters can be designed and optimized, therefore the computation form will be established with features of convenient input, rapid calculating, accurate result ,etc., which will greatly improve the work efficiency and management of testing personnel.
Keywords: Excel; radiographic testing; practical parameters; calculation application;
陈业汉, 范良,孙小兵,张晓斌
(广西特种设备监督检验院,南宁   530219)
摘 要:TOFD检测技术难点之一是图谱识别和判读比较困难,本文主要针对TOFD检测图谱中的变形波信号进行时差计算,并结合一些检测实例进行展示和分析,尽可能地排除变形波和其它非相关信号的影响,以便正确识别和测定缺陷,避免误判。
关键词:TOFD检测   非相关信号  变形波  图谱
003Identification between distortion wave and non-correlation signal in TOFD inspection
Chan ye-han, Fan Liang, Sun-Xiao-bing, Zhang Xiao-bin
(Guangxi Special Equipment Supervision and Inspection Institute, Nanning 530219, China)
AbstractOne of key technology for TOFD inspection is identification and interpretation for graph spectrum. According to the distortion wave sigal in TOFD graph spectrum the time difference calculation is done in the paper, and the influence of non-correlation sigal and distortion wave is excluded as much as possible combining with the analysis of inspection cases. So the indentification and mensuration for defect is done correctly, and miscarriage of justice for defect is avoided also.
KeywordsTOFD inspection; non- -correlation signal; distortion wave; graph spectrum
摘 要:笔者通过数字超声波检测仪HS600在钢箱梁结构桥对接焊缝上的检测应用,对常见的各类超声反射波进行了分析和判定,针对检测出现的实际现象,结合国内、国外标准对缺陷的评判,得出超声波检测对钢箱梁结构桥的焊接接头质量起到关键的作用。这是笔者的亲身工作的经历,供施工检测借鉴和参考。
关键词:CO2气体保护焊  超声波  伪缺陷  缺陷  动态波形
摘 要:笔者在参加川气东送的天然气长输管线的管道检测,分析长输管道的连头及“金口”焊接中出现裂纹原因,提出解决在长输管道施工最后连头焊口焊接的具体措施,经现场施工验证,该措施较好的解决问题,保证了长输管线的施工质量。
关键词:长输管道 十字焊缝  连头口 金口  裂纹  预防措施
摘 要:目前,我国在小管径(φ159mm~φ219mm)长输管道工程建设中,射线检测尚还在使用双臂单影照相单拍(外曝法)的阶段,在使用小管径管道爬行器方面还是一个空白。盘锦北方无损检测公司和胜利海检合作新研制的小管径管道爬行器,首次在兰-成-渝管道工程资阳、简阳、德阳、彭州、绵阳支线上试用成功,它的标志着小管径爬行器首次在长输管道工程建设射线检测中应用,提高了检测的效率和检测质量,降低了劳动强度并填补了国内空白。
关键词:小管径  75Seγ 爬行器   应用  
摘 要:本文通过对渗透检测方法和渗透检测工艺的探讨,对渗透检测的可靠性提出了一些新的分析。认为必须合理选择渗透检测方法和渗透检测工艺,加强渗透检测人员的管理,进行渗透检测的正确操作,才能提高渗透检测的可靠性。
007The new analysis on the dependability of PT
FU Hai-long
AbstractThe page discusses the methods of PT and PT process,advancing the new analysis on the dependability of PT.It must choose the methods of PT and PT process reasonably,enhancing the management of PT workers and operating the PT correctly in order to advance the dependability of PT.
KeywordsPT, method, process, dependability.
摘 要:本文从石化炼油装置常见的管道特定焊接方法出发,分析了CO2气体保护焊在炼油管道焊接中的常见缺陷及其超声检测的适用性,然后针对该种焊接方法的焊接管道的对接接头的超声检测工艺进行了选择和优化,对于实际生产中压力管道的安装和超声检测具有重要的指导意义。
008CO2 welding pipe oil refining equipment Ultrasonic Testing of Welds
(SHIHEZI Special Equipment Inspection Institute1 832000,Changji Special Equipment Inspection Institute2 831100)
AbstractThis article from the petrochemical refining plant specific welding method common pipeline, analyzes the CO2 gas shielded arc welding pipe in the refinery and its common defects in the applicability of ultrasonic testing, and welding methods for this kind of butt weld pipe fittings The ultrasonic testing process was selected and optimized, the actual production of pressure pipes for the installation and ultrasonic testing of important guiding significance.
Keywordsbutt welded joints, CO2 gas shielded welding, welding defects, ultrasonic testing, a high degree of volatility, defect assessment.
新疆昌吉州特种设备检验检测所     831100
摘 要:本文通过对换热器管板角接接头的结构特点出发,分析了该种接头所适合的渗透检测方法,然后分别从制造焊接工艺、缺陷性质尺寸、渗透检测工艺及操作上对渗透检测灵敏度的影响因素进行了分析,从而对管板角接接头的渗透检测过程进行有效的实际控制,对于管板角接接头的检测灵敏度具有重要的指导意义。
关键词:换热器管板角接接头 渗透检测 截留能力 检测灵敏度
009Penetration testing in the heat exchanger tube sheet of the application and impact factors
Changji Special Equipment Inspection Institute    831100
AbstractBased on the heat exchanger tube plate corner joints in the structural characteristics, analyzes the types of connectors are suitable for infiltration detection methods, and then separately from the manufacture of welding process, defects in size, penetration testing process and the operation of the penetration test factors affecting the sensitivity of the analysis to tube plate corner joints of the penetration testing process for effective practical control of the transfer tube plate joints for the detection sensitivity of important guiding significance.
Keywordsheat exchanger tube plate corner joints retention capacity of penetration testing detection sensitivity
(石河子特种设备检验检测所 新疆 832000)
摘 要:本文结合NB/T47013.10-2010标准,针对衍射时差法(TOFD)超声检测标准在学习过程中遇到的几个问题提出了自己的观点和认识。
关键词:衍射时差法(TOFD)超声检测   标准  理解
010NB / T47013.10-2010 Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)Ultrasonic Testing Standard in the Reflection of a Few Problems
(Department of Special Equipment Test and Examinationshihezi xinjiang 832000China)
AbstractThe combination of NB / T47013.10-2010 standard, according to the time of flight diffraction  ( TOFD ) ultrasonic examination standard in the process of learning problems put forward their views and understanding.
KeywordsTime of flight diffraction (TOFD) Ultrasonic testing standard Understanding
(石河子特种设备检验检测所 新疆 832000)
摘 要:本文结合NB/T47013.10-2010标准及相关教材及文献,针对衍射时差法(TOFD)超声检测中直通波从不同的角度进行了论述并提出了自己的观点和认识。
关键词:衍射时差法(TOFD超声检测  直通波  理解
011Understanding again Against the lateral wave on the Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic testing
(Department of Special Equipment Test and Examinationshihezi  xinjiang 832000China)
AbstractThe combination of NB / T47013.10-2010 standard and related materials and literature, Time of flight diffraction (TOFD)Ultrasonic testing of lateral wave from different angles and puts forward his own point of view and understanding.
KeywordsTime of flight diffraction (TOFD) Ultrasonic testing  lateral wave  Understanding
(石河子特种设备检验检测所 新疆 832000)
摘 要:本文结合NB/T47013.10-2010标准,针对衍射时差法(TOFD)超声检测焊接接头中缺陷图谱,分析了各类典型的焊接缺陷的图谱特点,对各类缺陷的性质初步判定提出了自己的观点。
关键词:衍射时差法(TOFD)  超声检测  定性
012Time of flight diffraction (TOFD) ultrasonic flaw detection in the preliminary nature of discrimination
(Department of Special Equipment Test and Examinationshihezi xinjiang 832000China)
AbstractIn this paper, NB/T47013.10-2010, for the time of flight diffraction method (TOFD) ultrasonic flaw detection of welded joints in the map, analysis of the various types of welding defects in the pattern typical characteristics of various types of short strings made a preliminary determination of the nature of their views.
KeywordsTime of flight diffraction (TOFD)  Ultrasonic testing  Qualitative
(石河子特种设备检验检测所 新疆 832000)
摘 要:本文结合标准、相关教材及文献,利用仿真声场分布图,针对衍射时差法(TOFD)超声检测中探头选择从型式、频率、晶片尺寸、折射角等不同方面进行了论述并提出了自己的观点和认识。
关键词:衍射时差法(TOFD)超声检测 探头 选择
013Probe Choice of Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Ultrasonic
(Department of Special Equipment Test and Examinationshihezi  xinjiang 832000China)
AbstractThis paper combined with the standard, relevant teaching material and literature, by using the simulation sound field distribution, the diffraction time difference method ( TOFD ) in ultrasonic detection probe selection from the type, frequency, chip size, angle of refraction in different aspects and puts forward his own point of view and understanding.
KeywordsTime of flight diffraction (TOFD) Ultrasonic testing  Probe  Choice
(石河子特种设备检验检测所 新疆 832000)
摘 要:本文针对一台在役电站锅炉集箱与集中下降管异种钢焊接的角焊缝磁粉检测中发现的问题提出了自己的看法,同时结合材质、焊接工艺、热处理状态、焊口的结构形式对磁痕的形成原因进行分析并提出了异种钢焊接磁粉检测中需要注意的问题和措施
关键词:异种钢焊接  角焊缝  磁粉检测  措施
014A set of in-service power plant boiler tubes down box and set the fillet welding dissimilar steel magnetic particle inspection
(Department of Special Equipment Test and Examinationshihezi xinjiang 832000China)

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