
2013-4-29 07:02| 发布者: 强天鹏| 查看: 3117| 评论: 0




100Detection of Plastic Deformation of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel Based on DC Magnetization Means李红梅,副教授/博士,北方民族大学,材料科学与工程学院

101Laser ultrasonic technique applied to inspect fatigue crackY. Zhao1,2, J. Ma1, S. Liu1, R. Guo1, F. J. Song1, Q. Z. Qing1,21 Laser Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences, LISADA, Jinan, China2 Centre of NDT engineering and technique in Shandong, Jinan, China


102Electromagnetic imaging techniques for NDE applications: a review,程玉华、白利兵,电子科技大学


103Influence of Coil Parameters on Transduction Performance of Unidirectional EMATs for Rayleigh Wave( 线圈参数对单向表面波电磁超声换能器的影响 ) Xiaoyang CHEN( 陈晓阳 )Harbin Institute of Technology( 哈尔滨工业大学 )


104A portable inspection instrument based on electromagnetic acoustic transducers( 一种便携式电磁超声探伤仪的研制 )Yakun WANG( 王亚坤 )Harbin Institute of Technology( 哈尔滨工业大学 )


105Investigations into the negative measurement sensitivity values of planar capacitive imaging probes,殷晓康博士,中国石油大学(华东)


106、高精度光学锁频测振仪,Highly sensitive optical lock-in photorefractive interferometer,熊吉川博士,南京探瑞机电科技有限公司


107、飞机轮毂自动探伤系统的研制,Development of automatic testing system of airplane wheel hub,张开良,爱德森(厦门)电子有限公司


108、金属管棒材高速旋转涡流自动检测系统的研制与应用,Development and application of automatic high speed Rotating eddy current testing system for metal pipe and bar,张开良,爱德森(厦门)电子有限公司








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