yigangdeng 发表于 2013-8-22 13:00:36


哈尔滨焊接技术培训中心作为我国最早获得TÜV授权的EN473/ISO9712培训与考试机构,具有成功举办百期中高级无损检测人员培训班的良好业绩,为更好服务企业人才培养与资质认证,将于2013年10月28日至11月16日期间在WTI Harbin上海基地举办EN473/ISO9712三种无损检测方法 (VT2、PT2、MT2)人员培训班,另由于前期培训计划调整,计划于11月18日至12月1日期间在上海基地举办EN473/ISO9712射线RT2级培训班。现欢迎企业与专业人员报名参加,招生名额每班40人,额满顺延安排至下一期班。报名要求及申请表格请见报名资料下载栏。

丁伟臣 发表于 2013-8-23 11:03:49

We had received certificates, that are not acceptable for PETROBRAS, with the following approximate content “Certificate: As a Recognized Third Party Organization “Entity A” has approved “Person X” to perform NDT tests on pressure equipment in categories III and IV in accordance with Annex I, section 3.1.3, of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23 EC. This approval relates to the performance of “Penetrant Testing” Level 2/Level 3, Level 2/Level 3 as defined by EN 473 or ISO 9712…”. These certificates do not certify that the persons are Level 2 or Level 3 Professionals qualified and certified in accordance with EN 473 or ISO 9712 standards. In fact, these are certificates issued by “Entity A” that state that “Entity A”, as a RTPO-Recognized Third Party Organization approved that said persons perform NDT testing in pressure vessels as Level 2/Level 3 (Level 2/Level 3 as defined by EN 473 or ISO 9712), on pressure equipment in categories III and IV in accordance with Annex I, section 3.1.3, of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23 EC. That is, the certificates are sufficient for the European Community, which require that the certification of NDT personnel, even those performed by the supplier itself (1st. Part) or by a 2nd. Part, has to be evaluated by an RTPO.
But the certificates do not comply with PETROBRAS requirements, because these certificates do not certify that the persons are certified by an independent certification board and in accordance EN 473 or ISO 9712 standards.

shenge521 发表于 2013-9-3 13:22:47

丁伟臣 发表于 2013-8-23 11:03
We had received certificates, that are not acceptable for PETROBRAS, with the follo ...


jorsonsh 发表于 2013-9-4 06:47:46

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查看完整版本: 最新2013年10月EN473/ISO9712无损检测人员培训信息